Hatchets, Machetes & Axes (118 items found)



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Even with power tools reigning supreme, hand tools are still the go-to for many lawn and garden tasks. Whether you're choosing between a chopping axe or a splitting axe or learning to identify wood-cutting tools, Ace is here to help you find the right one. Explore our range of axes, hatchets and other striking tools for wood splitting.

Striking Tools: Axes Vs. Hatchets

Axes and hatchets differ, but both come in various useful types. Consider these splitting tools: large chopping axes, small bushcraft axes, picks and machetes.

  • Felling axe: Made for cutting down trees, these axes have long handles and narrower, sharper blades than splitting mauls or axes. Often used in logging and forestry, felling axes are designed to cut across wood grain to bring down large trees.
  • Splitting maul: This classic wood-splitting axe is a favorite among wood stove owners for building up fuel supplies. With large, heavy heads broader than felling axe blades, mauls also feature blunt sides for easy hammering of wedges.
  • Hatchet: Also called hand axes, hatchets are perfect for hunting and camping trips due to their portability. They're essential for preparing and gathering firewood in the backcountry.
  • Pick axe: Also known as a miner’s axe, the pick axe is easily identified by its distinctive T-shaped design. It is useful for breaking up rocks or especially hard ground.
  • Machete: Machetes feature a long blade with a small handle and may have a ribbed, saw-like edge. They're great for clearing brush and splitting small trees for firewood.
  • Splitting wedge: This tool is like a handle-less splitting maul. To use, position its edge on the wood and strike the back with a heavy hammer, splitting the wood with ease.

How to Maintain Your Striking Tools

Keep your tools in top condition by regularly sharpening blades, cleaning them after use and storing them in a dry place. You can use protective sheaths to prevent damage and keep the edges keen.

Fiberglass Axe Handles Vs. Wood and Steel

Comfort is key when using your axe, hatchet or machete. With various handles to choose from, understanding their features helps you decide based on your needs.

  • Fiberglass handle: Lightweight for comfortable carrying with shock-absorbing properties, fiberglass axes are slightly more expensive than wood handles but are just as effective and highly durable.
  • Wood handle: Lightweight and easily replaceable, wood handles are classic axe features. They tend to be slightly more affordable but are prone to wear in the elements.
  • Steel handle: Highly resilient, steel handle axes happen to be costlier and heavier than axes with wood or fiberglass handles. However, hollow steel handles for smaller axes or hatchets provide solid long-lasting solutions without the added weight.

Shop Striking Tools and Axes Near You at Ace

Shop online or head to your local Ace Hardware for all your tree-cutting essentials. Discover a wide selection of striking tools like hatchets and axes near you to help you manage any job. Keep your tools in top shape with protective sheaths and sharpeners for a perfect edge. At Ace, we offer everything you need to tackle tree work efficiently.

Our helpfulness extends beyond wood-cutting tools. Explore our wide selection of yard and home essentials, including pruners, hoes, digging tools and a host of outdoor power equipment. Enjoy free shipping to your door or pick up at your local Ace at no extra charge.