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Savings are calculated on total cost of key, programming, and cutting based on a 3rd party nationwide survey of dealership pricing for model years through 2021. Actual discount may vary by participating location and key type. Keys must be purchased from Ace Hardware to be cut or programmed.
  • Hy-Ko Home Padlock Key Blank 88/30 kb Single For Ace Padlock
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    Hy-Ko Home Padlock Key Blank 88/30 kb Single For Ace Padlock
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Losing your house keys can create quite an inconvenience. Rather than having to face the aftermath of losing your keys by hiring a locksmith, Ace Hardware is here to provide you with hassle-free key replacement services. 

Key Cutting vs Key Copying

Although they are essentially the same thing, key cutting and copying differ in versatility. Copying requires the original key in order to duplicate it, whereas cutting can be done with or without the original. However, to cut new house keys without an original is a time-consuming endeavor. And if you can’t be sure the keys weren’t stolen, replacing your locks may be necessary, too. Keep spares on hand by duplicating keys before an issue arises. 

Key Duplication for Your Home 

Whenever you get a key replacement, a key duplication machine creates another version of your key using the original copy as a template. The machine duplicates keys in two basic ports: one port holds the original key, while the other holds a blank key. The machine's blades are designed to use the original template as a guide to saw into the blank key. After the cutting is finished, the machine smooths and polishes the new key so it's ready to use. 

Key Blanks for Replacement Keys  

Ace Hardware carries a variety of cylinder key blanks ranging from standard metal blanks to cute keys that add a decorative touch. Key blanks come with either plastic or metal heads, and plastic variations come in multiple colors for easy identification.

To make a new set of office or house keys, you'll need the right key blank that matches the original. Although cylinder key blanks are the most common, barrel and bit blanks can be found, too. 

Cylinder Key Blanks 

By far the most used key blank, cylinder keys are used in many types of locks, including doors, padlocks and cars. These key blanks have bows and long blades in which “V” cuts are made along the upper edges to accommodate the pins and drivers in locking mechanisms.

Bit and Barrel Key Blanks 

Bit and barrel metal blanks are both tubular, but barrel blanks have a hollow shaft with an opening at the tip, whereas bit blanks are solid and don’t have an opening. They resemble “skeleton” keys and are mostly used for decorative or antique purposes today.

Storage for House Keys 

Find storage for your spare keys to have added peace of mind. Larger storage cabinets offer the ability to easily secure all your spares in one location. They are durable, wall-mounted and suitable for home and office use. Smaller magnetic combination locks are also available, allowing you to store essential spares in an easy to access place. 

Be sure to explore key accessories like key chains, rings, hiders and others to help keep your keys safe wherever you may take them. 

Get a Key Copy Near You at Ace Hardware 

Depending on the type of key you need copied, you can expect the entire key cutting process to take five minutes or less. Compared to the stress you'd have to deal with if you didn’t have a replacement key but needed one, waiting just a few minutes to get a duplicate key copy could pay off big time! 

If you’re wondering where you can get your key copied, look no further than your local Ace. Shop the selection of metal blank keys at Ace Hardware online and use our store locator to find your neighborhood Ace store to use our key copy services in-person.