18 Wheeler Hero

When a week-long period of unseasonably cold, freezing weather caught Oklahoma residents off guard, many found themselves without necessities. Employees at Donaldson Ace Hardware rallied to get the supplies the community needed to survive.
With the onset of winter weather, snow accumulation is only the first of many obstacles. Freezing pipes and downed electrical lines can cause a disruption that leaves many homeowners without the heat and water service they need. When residents of Hugo, Oklahoma needed PVC pipe and other supplies to make repairs to frozen pipes, they turned to Donaldson Ace Hardware.
"We had 75 to 80 people badly in need of the items that we stock," said Owner Ronnie Donaldson. "We began running out of these products much earlier than we anticipated."
"Everyone needed the same products at the same time. PVC pipe was a huge commodity," said Manager TJ Mayfield. "We probably went through 500-600 sticks of CPVC."
Ace Hardware needed a driver that was willing to make the treacherous journey through inclement weather from the distribution center with the supplies that customers needed. Charles Teague stepped up to take on the challenge.
"I don’t think the veteran drivers worry too much about the weather," said Charles. "I think they worry about getting supplies to the people that need them."
"He was willing to risk the conditions to help my community," said TJ. "That is a big man right there. You have to say, ‘Thank You,’ with all your heart."
Charles was able to deliver the PVC pipe and other much-needed supplies in time for residents to make repairs and get their homes back in working order.
"Our customers whole life shut down for weeks. We really felt their hurt," said Ronnie. "We’re here to make a difference, and that difference is one person at a time."