Flags Forward

There are many ways to honor veterans who gave their life defending our country. For the members of the Granville Allen VFW and Morgantown Ace Hardware in Morgantown, Kentucky, tending to the gravesites of deceased soldiers is a way to remember and honor their ultimate sacrifice.
The Memorial Day Program was established by the VFW to identify the gravestones of veterans at 42 cemeteries and provide routine maintenance at those sites. The gravestones are cleaned, grass is trimmed around the perimeter, and a fresh flag is placed at the site. It’s an important way to honor the soldiers, especially those who may not have any living relatives. At the Bell Street Cemetery, some of the veterans are pre-Civil War.
"We consider ourselves caretakers of those graves, giving them the honor that they deserve," said Bryan Pharris, VFW Senior Vice Commander.
Morgantown Ace Hardware partnered with the VFW as a sponsor of the program. Ace helps provide many of the flags that are placed on the gravesites.
"We were excited to jump at that opportunity," said Tyler Watkins, Morgantown Ace Hardware Retailer. "We help local communities, and we help out the VFW in any way possible. It means a lot to us."
"The partnership with Ace has really made this program possible," said Bryan. "They have provided us with at least 200-300 flags every year. At 5 or 6 dollars apiece, you can see why we need the support of the community to be able to make these things happen."
Having Ace provide the flags has been a godsend for the members of the VFW. With Ace as their supplier, they can focus their efforts on directly serving the veterans. It’s a matter of pride and duty for all those involved.
"When you’re out there, you begin to realize the sacrifice, especially when you look at a gravesite and you see that person was only 27 years old. You realize that person sacrificed their entire life for this country," said Andrew Gidcumb, VFW Post Commander. "It’s good for this community to realize that it’s bigger than us. It’s about the people in the past and the future."