The Ripple Effect

The loss of a first responder can shock a local community to the core. Sometimes, all it takes is a simple gesture to help bring healing and create a ripple effect that makes a difference in the world.
In 2017, Minnesota police officer Bill Mathews responded to a routine call to remove debris from the highway. He was struck and killed by an unlicensed driver who was under the influence of an illegal substance. For Bill’s wife Shawn and son Wyatt, the news was unexpected and heart-wrenching.
The loss of Officer Mathews was felt in the local community. At Gopher Ace Hardware, a customer stopped in to purchase a blue light bulb to display on the porch to honor Bill. Ace Co-owers Mark Schaefer and Mike Kokesh ran with idea.
"When this blue light idea came about, we thought, ‘let’s just do it.’" Mark said. "We’ll take care of the community."
They secured 500 blue light bulbs to give away at the front counter of their Ace store, along with a bucket for donations which helped raise over $6000 for Officer Mathew’s family.
Shawn Mathews was moved by the heartwarming display. "Driving around to see my neighborhood, and hundreds of neighbors and businesses with blue lightbulbs," Shawn said, "I knew we were loved."
After Officer Mathew’s funeral, Mark and Mike were inspired to continue giving back to the community. They discovered the Minnesota 100 Club. When a first responder dies, there is a pay gap between the moment of passing and when the family receives assistance from the state or federal government. The Minnesota 100 Club collects donations to help fill that gap.
The actions of Mike and Mark and the community inspired Shawn, and together they’re helping to get the word out about the Minnesota 100 Club and raise awareness for other families who are dealing with loss.
Shawn compares the action that Mike and Mark took to throwing a stone in the water. "It ripples," she said. "And those ripples continue for a very long time. If we can start ripples all over, we can change the culture. Throw your stone. Make a ripple. Make a difference."