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Prevention and Control
Shop AllPrevent bugs, birds, and other pests from invading your home & yard

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Tips & Advice
Find a wide selection of pest, insect and rodent control products to choose from at Ace. From humane animal traps to organic repellents and chemical pest prevention eliminators, you'll find what you need to keep unwanted critters at bay.
No-Kill Animal Control Solutions
We provide no-kill, catch-and-release animal traps for a humane alternative to more harmful pest control solutions. Find an assortment of durable, assembly-free, live animal traps from brands like Havahart, ranging in size to trap animals big and small.>
Pest Prevention with Animal Repellents
To repel rather than capture pest animals, consider buying an animal repellent. Most are harmless, and once set up, require little in the way of attention or maintenance. Shop a variety of natural pest repellents created with highly concentrated essential oils or secretions from predatory animals to keep creatures safely off your property.
Effective Bird Deterrent Products
Ace has a wide selection of bird deterrent options from brands like Bird-B-Gone. If you need to rid your home of pesky birds, shop our selection of bird repellents like bird spikes and scared-eye diverters, repelling balloons, deterring kits, and repellent gel.
Rodent Control: Mice, Rats, Gophers and More
Rodents are plentiful, and any number of moles, gophers, squirrels, rats, and mice can cause serious damage to your property. From tunnels that undermine the integrity of your yard, to foundational harm, short-circuited wires, ruined insulation and decimated food supplies, these crafty creatures can quickly become a homeowner's worst nightmare.
Ace Hardware is here to help with brands like Tomcat. Browse an assortment of animal traps, including mole traps, rodent control systems, spring-loaded and glue-based mouse traps, as well as electronic options to keep rodents from harming your home.
Insect Control and Prevention
Prevention is the best form of pest control against an insect invasion. Find a range of bug killer and insect prevention products that keep irritating insects away. Shop torches, bug zappers, insect traps, spray repellents, fly swatters, and citronella candles from reputable brands like Raid, Cutter and others to find the right product for your needs.
For serious insect infestations, browse on array of from Spectracide, BioAdvanced and others. Many liquid pesticides are non-toxic, created with essential oils and garlic to kill insects without harming you or your family. A granular insecticide is also a good option, helping to create a boundary between the outside and indoors, or applied in outdoor spaces to eliminate ants, fleas, and other creepy crawlers.
Sign up for greener grass, less weeds, and fewer bugs with Ace YardRX subscription lawn care service
Shop Pest Control Products at Ace Hardware
Ace has your pest control under control. With a wide range of mechanical, chemical, and electronic products, we have solutions to keep flying insects, creepy crawlies, outdoor animals, and household pests away. Shop online and select quick shipping to your door or free in-store pickup at an Ace Hardware location near you.
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- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareEvolve Non-Toxic Soft Bait Nuggets For Rats 3 lb 1 pk0 Reviews$59.99 59.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareBonide Captain Jack Organic Fungicide/Insecticide/Miticide/Nematicide Continuous Spray 16 oz0 Reviews$26.99 26.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareGoodnature Small Covered Trap For Mouse/Rat/Snake 1 pk0 Reviews$99.99 99.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareCSI Bifen XTS Insect Killer Concentrate 32 oz0 Reviews$69.99 69.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareVictor Small Glue Trap For Mice 1 pk0 Reviews$0.59 0.59 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareBugMD Rodent Repellent Pouch For Mice and Rats 1.5 oz 4 pk0 Reviews$14.99 14.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareBonide Captain Jack Organic Fungicide/Insecticide/Miticide/Nematicide Liquid 32 fl. oz.0 Reviews$11.99 11.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareEvolve Mouse Non-Toxic Pest Control Nuggets For Mice0 Reviews$59.99 59.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareVictor Hold-Fast Medium Glue Trap For Insects and Mice 4 pk0 Reviews$3.99 3.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareIntruder The Classic Mouse Trap Small Trap For Mice 2 pk0 Reviews$1.79 1.79 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareJT Eaton Repete Medium Live Catch Trap For Mice 2 pk0 Reviews$11.99 11.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareIntruder The Classic Rat Trap Large Trap For Rats 1 pk0 Reviews$2.79 2.79 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareAion Products Fly Trap 2 pk0 Reviews$22.99 22.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareEvolve Non-Toxic Soft Bait Nuggets For Mice 6 lb 1 pk0 Reviews$99.99 99.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareIntruder Relocator Large Live Catch Animal Trap For Raccoons 2 pk0 Reviews$69.99 69.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareJT Eaton Top Gun Toxic Bitrex Bait Pellets For Mice and Rats 4 lb 128 pk0 Reviews$99.99 99.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareEvolve Non-Toxic Soft Bait Nuggets For Rats 6 lb 1 pk0 Reviews$99.99 99.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareJT Eaton Repete Large Live Catch Trap For Chipmunks and Rats 2 pk0 Reviews$19.99 19.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareBug-A-Salt Salt Refill Kit White 1 pk0 Reviews$9.99 9.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareJT Eaton Answer Large Live Catch Animal Trap For Foxes 1 pk0 Reviews$149.99 149.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareGoodnature Animal Trap For Mice 2 pk0 Reviews$6.99 6.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareEpic Products Animal Repellent Granules For Skunk 2.5 lb0 Reviews$24.99 24.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareEpic Products Animal Repellent Granules For Snakes 2.5 lb0 Reviews$24.99 24.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareBugMD Insect Repellent Oil For Variety of Insects 32 fl. oz.0 Reviews$14.99 14.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareBugMD Pest Control For Ants/Fleas/Roaches 32 oz0 Reviews$14.99 14.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareBest Bee Brothers Carpenter Bee Turbo Trap 2.0 with Bee Vault Insect Interceptor 5.5 in. W X 6.25 in0 Reviews$24.99 24.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareEpic Products Animal Repellent Pouch For Mice 1.75 oz0 Reviews$16.99 16.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareTerro Clothes Moth Trap 0.65 oz0 Reviews$13.99 13.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareVictor Safe Set Pincher Trap For Mice and Rats 1 pk0 Reviews$9.99 9.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
- Select 2 or more products for side-by-side feature comparison.CompareGoodnature Non-Toxic Pest Control Packs For Mice and Rats 0.5 oz 1 pk0 Reviews$9.99 9.99 USD15% off $99+ for Ace Rewards MembersFree Store Pickup Today
Showing 30 of 1476
About Pest Control
Explore Ace Hardware's wide selection of pest and insect control products. From humane animal traps, to mechanical and chemical deterrents, you'll find everything you need to keep pests at bay. Browse product categories from the main page, and use the sidebar tool to sort results by price, brand, intended use and customer feedback.
Animal Traps
No-kill, catch-and-release animal traps provide a humane alternative to other, more harmful pest control solutions. Ace Hardware offers a wide selection of durable, assembly-free, live animal traps, ranging in size to trap animals of any size.
Helpful Hint: To maximize your chances of capturing pest animals, try placing a two-door animal trap lengthwise against a fence or wall. If possible, camouflage the trap with dirt and water, and cover it with foliage and twigs, to reduce glare and mask human odors. You can also place bait in a small hole under the trap's trigger plate. Of course, choose species-specific bait.
Animal Repellents
To repel rather than capture pest animals, consider buying an animal repellent. Most are harmless, and once set up, require little in the way of attention or maintenance. We even offer a variety of non-toxic repellents created with highly concentrated essential oils or secretions from predatory animals to keep creatures safely off your property.
Helpful Hint: If your garden or yard is overrun with a variety of animals, consider a motion-activated pest repellent. Easily connected to a garden hose, such systems emit bursts of water and noise, startling and dissuading most animals.
If you need to rid your home of noisy birds, shop our selection of bird spikes. These harmless, upwardly-angled spikes deter birds from landing on your home, in your garden or on freshly-treated lawns. From plastic spikes for smaller birds to stainless steel options for heavier animals, Ace has a wide selection of bird spikes for you to pick from.
Helpful Hint: Since birds are also frightened by bright light and sudden movement, consider combining highly-reflective Mylar flash tape with bird spikes.
Insect Control
Hardware's extensive range of bug killer and insect control products keeps irritating insects away. Shop our selection of torches, bug zappers, spray repellents and Citronella candles to find the right product for your needs.
Helpful Hint: For serious insect infestations, browse our array of liquid pesticides. Many are non-toxic, created with essential oils and garlic to kill insects without harming you or your family.
Rodent Control
Moles, gophers, skunks, squirrels, chipmunks, voles, rats, woodchucks and mice can cause serious damage to your property. From tunnels that undermine the integrity of your yard, to foundational harm, short-circuited wires, ruined insulation and decimated food supplies, these crafty creatures can quickly become a homeowner's worst nightmare.
Ace Hardware is here to help. Browse our assortment of mole traps, rodent control systems, spring-loaded and glue-based mouse traps, plus electronic options to keep any rodent from harming your home.
Ace Hardware: Your One-Stop Shop for Pest Control Products
Ace knows pest control. With a wide range of mechanical, chemical and electronic products, we have everything you need to keep flying insects, creepy crawlies, outdoor animals and household pests away.